Friday, July 18, 2014


 When I made the Shepard armor a couple of years back, I made a prop gun out of foam to go with the armor in one day. While I think it was pretty good for being made in a day, I was never really happy with the way it turned out, there were seams all over the place that no amount of paint would cover up (although I was probably the only one who could see them).

This time around, the weapon is being built much more slowly and deliberately, and I think its coming out really well. There's still quite a number of seams to cover right now, but it needs another coat of mod podge, then a coat of primer, then its sanding time.

Top left is the hilt pieced out before being sanded and attached to the blade. Top right is after the biggest piece of the hilt was attached. Bottom left, the whole hilt attached, and bottom right, with the grip detailed out with the pommel on.

The pommel needs to be sanded down and details need to be added to the hilt and pommel before being painted, but it's mostly done. It won't get painted until I'm ready to paint everything, but it's looking pretty good for just being white foam at the moment. I'm contemplating coating the blade in worbla (its a bit floppy at the moment) to make it stiff, but we'll see how much time I have after the rest of the armor is done.

Oh yes, those are lights in the hilt and pommel, this thing is going to glow so much.

Speaking of armor, here's what the shoulders look like at the moment.

 The are all still separate pieces, I need to paint them before the final assembly. I will also probably need to cut down the interiors of all the small pieces before final assembly.

Next to be made: chest armor and those circular chest pieces. Break out the worbla!

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