Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Actual costuming

Whoa what is this, an actual update? Yup, I started a new costume. This is the base of the sword for the Tyrael costume, El'Druin. As you can see, it's just a  foam blade on the sword base which is a metal yard stick and a piece of PVC glued on for the handle, but its at least started. 

Activation energy to actually start something is usually pretty high, so I'm quite happy that I've finally started. 

I'm waiting on some lighting elements to be shipped before I get to the hilt, but I've got it designed out onto some foam, so it'll assemble quickly once I've got the missing items. 

I've also gotten some progress done on the shoulders, but I'll wait to post about those until more of that is done. 

You might be able to see that there is Mod Podge in the picture, I'm using it to coat all the pieces and make them stiffer, more durable and less likely to tear, and as a base for all the eventual paint. I'm making the majority of pieces out of 1/16 inch foam, which is quite malleable, but also quite flimsy. I might end up making the chest out of worbla, but I haven't gotten there yet, so we'll see (answer is probably, but I need to order it). 

Things I still need to buy: that worbla, stuff for the wings, shoes, strapping, buckles, velcro, so much paint.....

Ugh, but its going to look baller when it's done, the shoulders already look sweet; spent a couple of hours today cutting out tiny scrollwork to add raised detail to the pieces.

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