Monday, August 25, 2014

Getting close...

Comic Con is in less than two weeks. I have about 3 working days left to get the wings together, and about a week to do the chain mail.

Slightly freaking out about the fact that the costume isn't done yet, but its getting there.

Over the weekend I finished all the painting and sprayed everything with an acrylic sealant, which did wonders to the costume and made everything really nice and shiny. I was worried about the paint, because on the pieces that are rounded and will be bending a lot the paint was cracking whenever I picked it up wrong. However, once I sprayed on the sealant, the texture changed and it became malleable and stopped cracking. So glad I decided to spray all the pieces with that stuff. Thank you Mod podge.

Here are some picture updates from last night, when I started putting everything together:

Hooray for getting things together! The sword is looking great, all the lights are installed, and its now fully painted. The chest has the tabard and the circles attached, and I set the velcro for the shoulders. I can't glue the shoulders down, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to get in the chest.

I may need to alter the shoulders, as they are huge when I put them on and may be too beefy looking as is, but I'll figure that out later today when I do a wear test.

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