Here's a picture of what the finished gloves look like. They aren't pulled up all the way, so they are a bit more wrinkled looking than they actually are.
I have never bought fake fingernails before. I have never wanted to wear them or bothered with them for fancy shmancy occasions. Never having bought them before, I did not realize how fast the glue for those suckers sets. Putting the nails on was much more difficult than I thought it would be. Again, you have to wear the gloves when you are doing this to ensure correct nail placement, and to make sure the glue doesn't bind the two sides of the finger together.
I ended up using a combination of the nail glue and hot glue. Words of warning: do not push down hard on the nail when you are gluing it down, otherwise, the glue goes right through the pantyhose, and affixes right on to your nail. Then you end up with a nail glued to yourself over pantyhose painted like stone and you spend the next 15 minutes working to get the nail off your fingernail without destroying the nail on the glove and the glove itself.
Yeah, that happened, not too pleased with what went down. Anyways, after I got that nail off, I was pretty careful with gluing the rest of them down. Also, if you are using hot glue, make sure the glue is fairly cool before you put it on the nail. The plastic of the nail will warp. That also happened. Good thing those nail kits come with a bunch of extra nails.
After all those difficulties, the nails are on, and the gloves are done. Time to move on and make the head cover and get started on the wing harness.
All in all, making the gloves has been much more involved and difficult than I thought it would be. However, the end result is pretty cool, and I'm fairly pumped about how they turned out.
Since I was painting, I also added in some stone details onto the mask, which you can see hanging out int he background of one of the pictures.
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